Bio Ceramic Technology

So how does the Bioceramic Technology work?

Scala Bio Anti-Cellulite Shapewear is the only seamless microfibre control underwear containing exclusive Active Bio-Crystals to reduce cellulite, the latest in high-tech shapewear, straight out of Brazil.

Designed to slim your silhouette, shape & tone your figure, whilst fighting cellulite.

Let's look at the science behind the Scala Bio Anti-Cellulite Shapewear line.

Is Scala Bio Anti Cellulite Shapewear Clinically Proven?

Yes - The Scala Bio Anti-Cellulite Shapewear range not only instantly slims the silhouette, but is clinically proven to lose inches from your waist and thighs whilst shaping, toning and more importantly, reducing unwanted cellulite. It is also scientifically proven to reduce body measurements up to a dress size.

Crystals in the Scala Bio Anti Cellulite Shapewear working to fight cellulite

Active Bio-Crystals increase microcirculation, helping to fight cellulite. Infrared image shows increased microcirculation (red hot spots) in volunteers before (left) and immediately after (right) using Scala Bio Products.